nni 2022 at a glance
Read more about what our 2022 goals and strategy. This will provide the backstory to celebrate our many powerful and beautiful endeavours this year!
We had ambitious goals for this year. At the start of 2022 I introduced I Organizational Key Results (OKRs) as part of our internal culture & practices in nni. I thought it was too awesome to keep it to myself! Full disclosure: this idea was not met with same level of delight in every team But in true nni style we invited all voices and worked with the systemic wisdom and intelligence in each team to adapt, translate and channel the organisational OKRs into the right fit and feel for that team. Then each team in turn created their own set of objectives around it. We use the nniMethodology to leverage our diversity in the same way we believe any organisation can to thrive. We wanted to keep it inspiring, challenging and yet light and playful. This looked different for every team, but the common denominators remained: nni wide alignment and empowerment of our biggest priorities and ambitious results for the year!
As part of our drive for synergy and resonance through nni, you might recall that I shared nni’s 2022 strategy at the start of the year. Here is the essence of it in case you missed it:
nni Strategy 2022
Spread the healing virus of nniDialogue through an audacious leap in numbers in 2022.
Sustain nni by creating a) multiple funding streams and b) revenue from training and facilitation
1. Increasing number of dialogues internationally
2. Increasing number of training & students internationally - (and therefore agents)
3. Increase activity, resilience and resonance of the nniCommunity
4. Develop internal and external community culture of capturing, sharing & spreading stories/evidence (aliveness and action)
5. Develop internal and external culture of professionality, ownership and measurability (i.e. OKRs)
6. Develop multiple sustainable funding streams
Each of the above points had specific goals and targets which entailed the WHAT for 2022.
The HOW (as in how we accomplish all of this) relies upon our underlying longer-term strategy which are summarised in 6 words forming the bedrock of our approach (our meta-objectives) in all teams, tasks and outputs for the next 4 years.
Below you will find the explanation of each meta-objective.
nniOrganisation wide Meta-objectives for 2022 (and some 2023, 2024)
Sustainable: Ability to run our intended plan and projects and growth for the next 5 years
Popular: Be popular for our purpose, dialogues, facilitation and training (to spread the healing virus).
We are known for the deep, real, authentic and raw work we do – but it can sometimes be perceived as intimidating and even slightly scary. So, we aim to become more ‘easily accessible’ by increasing our shareability, lovability aka ‘popularity’!
Two board audience categories we will be focussing on for 2022: Youth and Corporate.
Proven: Create a compelling inspirational and undeniable body of evidence.
We aim to do this by gathering, compiling, and writing reports, stories, testimonials, that are underpinned academically and/or empirically.
Professional: To be seen as a trusted, integrous and professional global organisation. To be recognised by, to collaborate with, and lead amongst the power players in dialogue, training (in facilitation/coaching/systemic change), and human systems transformation.
This includes the peace/conflict and development field.
We aim to grow this through the calibre of our clients and
referral sources (outreach, PR, relationship building and marketing); the quality of our product (training, facilitation, material and content of writing); the rigour and resonance of our internal culture, operations and ethic.
Powerful and Beautiful:
We continue with our work ethic of “under promise and over deliver”, by delivering unprecedented powerful dialogue and training processes.
We want to add actualising the same power (energy and action) within the nniCommunity.
And, add the articulation of beauty to this mix so that we are not only known for the powerful process, but also the beautiful process.
We do this already 200% above our capacity. We will continue to place accessibility as a priority through our variety of entry points, application, scholarships, free public dialogues. We will continue to do so not at the cost of nni’s survival and health of its people.
This meta-objective is linked with increasing popularity (to be known) and will be more fully expressed through the meta-objective of “popular” for 2022.
nni has always had an interesting dance with form and essence. Knowing we need a structure to help energy channel (for example think of the ‘structure’ of Voices at the start of the dialogue). We also know that the ‘form’ needs to be agile enough to allow for the organic shift and movement - and yet remain rigorous enough to ensure the system can count on that structure as needed for the greater good of the whole. A certain amount of tension is needed to remind us to stay in this continues dance – that is never done! As soon as we settle too rigidly into a structure, we have already stifled the energy. Yet, when we do not commit to a structure, we fail to provide the needed support (and safety) for energy to flow in a direction or cause. Very much like arteries providing the structure for blood to flow, and supple enough to expand and contract as the body system needs it to.
Our meta-objective framework provided the perfect structure for us to set challenging yet delightful goals to spread the healing virus this year. And even though we did not ‘meet’ every objective (they were mean to be ‘audacious’, OK?) - we exceeded our own expectations, and hope your will agree as you read through this newsletter!